NPC Arena.

Each time two flies get too close, one of them disappears.

This is an absolutetly fair fight determined only by the algorithm.

Choose your fighter!

May destiny favor you

The Math.random() function utilizes an algorithm known as a pseudo-random number generator. This algorithm employs a mathematical formula to generate sequences of numbers that appear to be random but are actually determined by a mathematical equation.

La fonction Math.random() génère des nombres pseudo-aléatoires en utilisant un générateur de nombres pseudo-aléatoires linéaire congruentiel (LCG). Cette méthode utilise une formule mathématique qui calcule un nouveau nombre à partir du précédent en utilisant une constante et un modulo. La formule ressemble à ceci :

Xn+1 = (a * Xn + c) % m

où :
Xn represents the previous number in the sequence.
Xn+1 represents the next number in the sequence.
a, c, and m are predefined constants.

The Math.random() function uses different values for a, c, and m for each execution to ensure greater variety in the pseudo-random numbers generated.

However, it is important to note that the numbers generated by the Math.random() function are not truly random, as they are generated from a mathematical formula. This means that if you run the function multiple times with the same parameters, you will always get the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.